Global DNA methylation status in relation to resistance training with high vs low loads to failure.

Global DNA methylation status in relation to resistance training with high vs low loads to failure.

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May 13, 2022  │ Varun B. Dwaraka, Ryan Smith

Abstract or Summary

Our objective was to determine how global DNA methylation status of skeletal muscle differs with resistance training (RT) to failure in trained participants using either 80% of their estimated one-repetition maximum (Est. 1-RM) (80FAIL) or 30% of their Est. 1-RM (30FAIL). We hypothesize there will be a significant decrease in global DNA methylation with both RT conditions, but that 30FAIL RT will elicit a greater magnitude of hypomethylation than 80FAIL RT. Total number of repetitions performed were significantly higher for 30FAIL training vs 80FAIL training (p< .001), however total training volume (sets x reps x load) was not significantly different between conditions (p= 0.571). Global methylation changes between PRE, 3hPOST, and 6hPOST are presented herein. In addition, significant differences between conditions are emphasized for each post-exercise time point. With this study we expand our understanding of how the manipulation of RT variables affect epigenetic modifications in skeletal muscle.