Developed with  Harvard


Unlock the answers to why you’re aging slower or faster than the calendar

Weight Loss
Cancer Risk
Fit Age
Death Risk



OMICmAge Algorithm

This number is a calculation of the toll that life has taken on your body, and is a number that can fluctuate based on lifestyle, environmental, and/or medical influences.

The difference in each of our biological “mileage” is the reason why we may look and feel significantly older or younger than others who share the same birth year as us.

The Algorithm

Our OMICmAge Algorithm uses advanced epigenetic analysis to measure biological aging. By examining over one million DNA methylation sites, it provides a highly accurate calculation of your biological age, reflecting the cumulative impact of lifestyle, environment, and medical factors on your body.

The Reports

Our comprehensive reports offer detailed insights into your biological age and rate of aging. They include actionable recommendations based on your unique epigenetic profile, allowing you to make informed decisions about your health and wellness.

The Potential

Unlock the potential to understand and influence your aging process. Our insights can guide lifestyle changes and medical interventions aimed at improving healthspan and lifespan, helping you look and feel younger while reducing the risk of age-related diseases.

Spring 2024 updates

Report Revisions

The TruDiagnostic research team is excited to announce significant upgrades to the OMICmAge clock and its associated TruAge reports. These changes reflect advances in predictive algorithms trained for biological and physical fitness ages that have emerged since OMICmAge’s original publication in 2023; along with new comparison metrics, actionable recommendations, and easier to read report formatting.

Algorithm Evolution

Our updated OMICmAge clock incorporates the latest advancements in predictive algorithms. These enhancements offer more precise measurements of biological and physical fitness ages, reflecting the newest research and technological developments since the clock's original 2023 publication.

Comparison Metrics

New comparison metrics have been introduced to give you a clearer understanding of how your biological age compares to others. These metrics provide context and insights into your health status, helping you to better interpret your results and progress.

Easy-To-Read Format

We've redesigned our reports to be more user-friendly with a clean, easy-to-read format. The new layout includes actionable recommendations and highlights key information, making it simpler for you to understand and act on your health insights.

Spring 2024 updates

No other epigenetic age clock ever developed reaches a nearly 90% level of predictive accuracy and risk determination of death and disease

For example, if we wanted to predict your risk of dying over the next 10 years with just chronological age (the year you were born), we would only be correct 75.6% of the time.

By comparison, the OMICm Age algorithm can predict death with an accuracy over 88.9% in five years and ten year intervals; marking a 17% improved difference in precision.

In our recent study on the OMICm Age clock, TruDiagnostic researchers highlight just how important an accurate biological age clock is when it comes predicting health outcomes.


Upgrade vs New Test

SYMPHONYAge Digital Data Upgrade
Only taken TruAge COMPLETE test(s)
Track changes in your organ systems over time
Unlock NEW organ system-specific aging insights that were previously unavailable
Purchase New TruAge Test
Only taken TruAge PACE test(s)
Never taken a TruAge test by TruDiagnostic
Want fresh analysis that reflects epigenetic changes from recent interventions or emergent health conditions