The Algorithm

Research, developed, and published in 2023 by TruDiagnostic and Harvard University, the OMICm Age algorithm is the most precise and accurate mathematical formula ever created to measure biological aging.


The Reports

Discover even more about your biological aging with newly added TruAge COMPLETE data reports. Results now contain novel risk analysis of death and disease, along with 50+ new measurements of gene expression.


The Potential

Experience the excitement of epigenetics by tracking how effective your lifestyle habits are at slowing, stopping, or even reversing your biological age. Our reports aim to give you useful answers, so you can take action!


Your Biological Age

As calculated using our OMICm Age algorithm. This number is a calculation of the toll that life has taken on your body, and is a number that can fluctuate based on lifestyle, environmental, and/or medical influences.

The difference in each of our biological “mileage” is the reason why we may look and feel significantly older or younger than others who share the same birth year as us.

Your Overall Fitness Age

As calculated using our OMICm FitAge Acceleration algorithm. This number tells you how old you are based exclusively on epigenetic biomarkers of physical fitness and functionality

Your Pace of Aging

As calculated using our exclusively licensed DunedinPACE algorithm. This number tells you how many years your body is currently aging, for each calendar year that passes. Results higher than “1” indicate accelerated aging.

When quantifying the aging process, it is important to note that biological age is a different measurement than biological pace of aging, much like a speedometer gives you different information than an odometer during a road trip. Both reflect elements of your journey, but are respectively measuring different things.

Your Telomere Age

Before age clocks were developed, telomere length was a popular measurement used to predict biological age. Now, it is just one of many significant biomarkers that cumulatively determine bodily aging.

As our cells age, the telomeres on their chromosomes become shorter and shorter, until the cell can no longer divide and reproduce.

This eventually impacts how our tissues, organs, and organ systems function, along with our overall health.

Discover how long your telomeres are, as well as how old you would be based solely on that length.

Your Risk of Death & Various Diseases

As calculated using our OMICm Age algorithm. Discover whether you’re at an increased or decreased risk (and by what percentage) of death and disease based off of your OMICm Biological Age.

We determine your current risk of death, stroke, cancer, heart disease, COPD, depression, and Type II Diabetes; along with what those risks would be if you were to increase or decrease your biological age by one to several years.

Your Fitness Breakdown

Learn more about the aging status of your muscle strength (Grip Strength), lung function (VO2Max & FEV1), and walking speed (Gait Speed).

These measurements are reported in a format that tells you whether you are performing better or worse than others who share the same calendar age as you, and by what percentage.

Together, these physical functionality measurements determine your overall, OMICm FitAge.

Your Caloric Restriction Weight Loss Response

Losing weight can be a challenge for many, especially for those who attempt dietary-based interventions without knowing how their body is biologically programmed to respond.

Our Weight Loss Response report helps thousands plan their weight loss strategy, before committing to a calorie-based routine that may not work.

Discover whether your DNA expression and biology would likely or not-likely make caloric restriction an effective method of weight loss for you.

Your Biological Age

As calculated using our OMICm Age algorithm. This number is a calculation of the toll that life has taken on your body, and is a number that can fluctuate based on lifestyle, environmental, and/or medical influences.

The difference in each of our biological “mileage” is the reason why we may look and feel significantly older or younger than others who share the same birth year as us.

Your Overall Fitness Age

As calculated using our OMICm FitAge Acceleration algorithm. This number tells you how old you are based exclusively on epigenetic biomarkers of physical fitness and functionality

Your Pace of Aging

As calculated using our exclusively licensed DunedinPACE algorithm. This number tells you how many years your body is currently aging, for each calendar year that passes. Results higher than “1” indicate accelerated aging.

When quantifying the aging process, it is important to note that biological age is a different measurement than biological pace of aging, much like a speedometer gives you different information than an odometer during a road trip. Both reflect elements of your journey, but are respectively measuring different things.

Your Telomere Age

Before age clocks were developed, telomere length was a popular measurement used to predict biological age. Now, it is just one of many significant biomarkers that cumulatively determine bodily aging.

As our cells age, the telomeres on their chromosomes become shorter and shorter, until the cell can no longer divide and reproduce.

This eventually impacts how our tissues, organs, and organ systems function, along with our overall health.

Discover how long your telomeres are, as well as how old you would be based solely on that length.

Your Risk of Death & Various Diseases

As calculated using our OMICm Age algorithm. Discover whether you’re at an increased or decreased risk (and by what percentage) of death and disease based off of your OMICm Biological Age.

We determine your current risk of death, stroke, cancer, heart disease, COPD, depression, and Type II Diabetes; along with what those risks would be if you were to increase or decrease your biological age by one to several years.

Your Fitness Breakdown

Learn more about the aging status of your muscle strength (Grip Strength), lung function (VO2Max & FEV1), and walking speed (Gait Speed).

These measurements are reported in a format that tells you whether you are performing better or worse than others who share the same calendar age as you, and by what percentage.

Together, these physical functionality measurements determine your overall, OMICm FitAge.

Your Caloric Restriction Weight Loss Response

Losing weight can be a challenge for many, especially for those who attempt dietary-based interventions without knowing how their body is biologically programmed to respond.

Our Weight Loss Response report helps thousands plan their weight loss strategy, before committing to a calorie-based routine that may not work.

Discover whether your DNA expression and biology would likely or not-likely make caloric restriction an effective method of weight loss for you.

▐ Take a New Test

Research, developed, and published in 2023 by TruDiagnostic and Harvard University, the OMICm Age algorithm is the most precise and accurate mathematical formula ever created to measure biological aging.


▐ Upgrade Results

Upgrade your previous TruAge COMPLETE samples through our new OMICm Age algorithm to discover your risk of disease, death, and multi-omic, DNA methylation risk scores. PLUS- access our new Fitness and Immune data reports.


Breakthrough answers to WHY you're aging.

OMICm Age, along with our new report offerings, is exciting healthcare providers and patients alike because it provides novel insights into the reasons why someone is experiencing advanced aging.

Older analysis was limited in the nature of only being able to determine if someone’s biological aging was accelerated or decelerated.

Now, we can not only calculate your biological age, but also tell you what is most likely contributing to that age by evaluating the interconnected layers of human biology, aka the Multiome.

Our OMICm Age data report (included with all TruAge COMPLETE kits) measures dozens of proteins, metabolites and clinical biomarkers (such as hemoglobin, creatinine, triglycerides, and fasting glucose). We then map out whether those scores are correlated with a higher or lower biological age!

The difference in PRECISION & PREDICTION of the OMICm Age algorithm.

In our recent study on the OMICm Age clock, TruDiagnostic researchers highlight just how important an accurate biological age clock is when it comes predicting health outcomes.

For example, if we wanted to predict your risk of dying over the next 10 years with just chronological age (the year you were born), we would only be correct
75.6% of the time.

By comparison, the OMICm Age algorithm can predict death with an accuracy over
88.9% in five years and ten year intervals; marking a 17% improved difference in precision.

No other epigenetic age clock ever developed reaches a nearly 90% level of predictive accuracy and risk determination of death and disease!

Is your clock telling you the right time?

What else separates us from our competitors?

We do not sell memberships or anti-aging consumables.
We test more than ONE MILLION locations on your DNA for age-related patterns.
We train our clocks with data from 8x more people.


Order your TruAge COMPLETE test kit.


Receive your TruAge test kit that includes all supplies needed for an at-home, sample collection.


Follow the directions included with your kit to collect several drops of blood on the provided blood spot card.


Make sure you've registered your kit and created a free account on our online portal in order to view your results once ready.


Place your sample in the provided biohazard bag and pre-paid, return shipping envelope. Then, mail your sample back to our TruDiagnostic laboratory.


Your results will be ready to view through our online portal three weeks after our lab receives your sample.

*This is the current average for our laboratory, however, processing times may vary.


Use your results to guide lifestyle, environmental, and medical interventions aimed at slowing down the biological aging process.


Retest with TruAge PACE to gauge the success of your recent health or anti-aging efforts in as little as six weeks.